Who is the "Shema Koli" project intended for

The silent cry

Who is the Shema Koli project intended for and which services/activities will be carried out in its framework:

Girls at risk, such as exposure to alcohol, drugs, trauma.

Girls who were exposed to physical and mental abuse in their homes or in an environment that is supposed to be a supportive environment for them.

Girls who have been cut off from their homes, sleeping on the street/ without shelter and food, and are subject to physical and mental exploitation by people who take advantage of their helpless situation to fulfill their desires.

Activities carried out:

Locating the girls (we are located in the heart of Jerusalem city center - Ben Yehuda pedestrian mall and Zion Square) where there is a very high concentration of the target population to which the project is designated.

Providing immediate solutions to the urgent basic needs of every girl, such as shelter, lodging, and food.

Diagnosing each and every girl and building an individual rehabilitation program for each one of them.

Accompanying the girl (guidance and follow up) after implementation and realization of the individual and personal program that was built for every girl.

Workshops will be given in various fields, such as raising the confidence and self-worth of every girl, personal empowerment – building a desire for personal development and success in the areas of acquiring a profession, and a desire to build a normal and healthy family life.

Developing and improving the level of emotional intelligence of each girl as a step for integration into a future warm and supportive social framework.

Expanding horizons and exposure to a wide world of opportunities and development of a wide personality with broad knowledge of the world.

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